Liberal professions

Liberal professions

You wish to start a liberal profession

Planning to start a liberal profession or have already taken the first steps in that direction? Then our team of specialists will gladly guide you in your decisions at every point in your journey. Starting a liberal profession involves a significant amount of administrative work, such as arranging registration in the central database for enterprises or affiliation with the relevant social insurance fund. And you must also have your financial house in order. Is your current financing sufficient for your needs for example? Do you require a supplementary bridging loan and what is the optimal moment to request this? We boast a wide range of support services which, coupled with our extensive knowledge and experience, enables us to deliver a truly tailor-made solution. Regardless of whether you wish to go it alone or collaborate with others, with Vandelanotte you are in extremely safe hands. 

You wish to grow your liberal profession

Expert guidance is equally essential following the launch of your liberal profession. You will need to make a variety of strategic decisions, which requires reliable, up-to-date information. We know your company through and through. We closely monitor your business, actively support you with tax, accounting and commercial advice, and jointly help determine the future strategy of your business.

You wish to transfer or terminate your liberal profession

You have decided to terminate your liberal profession. As with its establishment, you must consider a number of tax and legal implications. Together we examine the options and guide you through the process, be that the transfer of your business premises, the transfer of your shares or the attainment of your retirement age. Entrusting such formalities to Vandelanotte provides welcome peace of mind, from the initial launch of your enterprise, to its ultimate termination.

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.